A: Probiotics are live microorganisms that can be consumed with food or through
the use of supplements to produce health benefits.
Q: Why use probiotics?
A: The use of probiotics can enhance resistance to disease and sickness,
improve nutrient absorption, and stimulate the immune system.
Q: How do probiotics improve disease resistance?
A: Probiotics prevent disease by creating an environment that is unfavorable to pathogens. Moreover, probiotics can stimulate the immune responses to fight against pathogens or parasites.
Q: How often do probiotics need to be administered?
A: To gain beneficial results, probiotics should be taken on a daily basis.
Q: What types of animals will benefit from probiotics?
A: The health of almost all types of pets and livestock will improve with the use of probiotics.
Q: Can humans benefit from probiotics?
A: Yes, probiotics can be used to improve the health of humans.
Q: What is the difference between probiotics and antibiotics?
A: A problem with antibiotics is the possible emergence of “super bugs”, which are resistant to the effects of the antibiotics and would make antibiotics useless in protecting the health. Because probiotic products use microorganisms that are naturally found in the human/animal bodies, there are no negative effects.
Q: Is it possible to use probiotics and antibiotics together?
A: Yes, most antibiotics target gram-negative bacteria, which are different from the gram-positive bacteria or yeast used in probiotics. As long as the antibiotics do not target the same bacteria or yeast used in probiotics, they should be
Q: Can humans/animals get sick from using probiotic products?
A: No, the microorganisms used in probiotic products are the same nonpathogenic strains found in the animal/human bodies, which means that they will not cause disease.
Q: What is a Colony Forming Unit (CFU)?A: A CFU, or Colony Forming Unit, is a viable bacteria or yeast cell.
At Imagilin Technology we only measures viable cells. A total cell count, which may include dead cells, can be misleading, since the primary probiotic effect is only determined by live cells.
Q: What is Pediococcus acidilactici? Where is it naturally found?
A: Pediococcus acidilactici is a friendly bacterium naturally found in animal and human intestines. They are also found in fermented vegetables, fermented dairy products, and meat.
They can grow in a wide range of pH, temperature and osmotic pressure, therefore being able to colonize the digestive tract.
Q: What are the benefits of using these probiotics?
A: Our probiotics help to
- Rebuild digestive system
- Enhance Immune system response
- Reduce diarrhea & vomiting
- Relieve constipation & stress
Q: What are the advantages/differences over other commercially available probiotic products?
A: When compared to Lactobacillus and Biofidobacterium based probiotics, Pediococcus acidilactici has the following characteristics:
- Resistant to high temperatures (up to 149 °F)
- Resistant to low pH environments (stomach acid, even up to pH 1.5)
- Survive exposure to Oxygen
- Extended shelf-life up to 2 years due to stability at room temperature
Q: What are the products available for humans?
A: For human use, NutriLotsTM is available over the counter in different flavors such as Cabbage, Lemon, Peach and Tomato.
Q: Why are there different flavors for NutriLotsTM?
A: NurtiLots has novel patent-pending probiotics and contain vegetable/fruit powders which provide natural vitamins, anti-oxidants and to provide a choice of flavor as per customer discretion.
Q: Why does the product contain yeast?
A: Saccharomyces boulardii is a beneficial yeast extensively effective in treating antibiotic-associated diarrhea and recurrent Clostridum difficile infections.
Q: Why is the probiotic microorganism in a capsule?
A: The capsule
- Protects probiotics from air, thereby doubling shelf-life
- Delivers a consistent dose of probiotics, guaranteeing the right dosage every time
- Allows proper delivery of live microorganisms to the intestinal tract
Q:What is the amount of microorganism in each capsule?
A: More than 1 billion CFU fermentation cultures of Pediococcus acidilactici and Saccharomyces boulardii.
Q: Is it safe to use more than the recommended dosage? Are there any side effects?
A: Yes, it is safe to use more than the recommended dosage since they are naturally found in the intestinal tract of animals and humans. Unlike synthetic chemicals, there are no reports of side effects or overdose toxicity with probiotics.